Six months as a senior UX/UI designer at Spread Group

Celebrating six months at Spread Group feels like reaching a milestone in a captivating journey. For those unfamiliar, Spread Group is a print-on-demand and e-commerce company facilitating custom-designed product creation and sales. They manage production, printing, and shipping, enabling sellers to offer personalized items without inventory management hassle.

Reflecting on my initial months within this vibrant ecosystem, several profound lessons have emerged, shaping not only my professional growth but also my personal understanding of teamwork, communication, and creative expression.

Starting as a Senior UX/UI designer in August of 2023, I was thrilled yet nervous about this new challenge. Immediately, I learned that having a senior title means you are not wrapped in soft cotton anymore but rather thrown into cold water, dealing with more responsibilities and stakeholder management. It was challenging but so insightful, and I have learned so much.

Let’s kick off with onboarding, undoubtedly the most fun onboarding experience in my professional career so far!

Behind-the-Scenes Pictures from our Production Day

A Day Behind the Production Scenes

Part of the onboarding process was to partake in a production day. That happened in the beginning of September, and it was super interesting to witness everything going on behind the scenes. Bright and early, our newbie squad set out at 6:45 AM for an exciting visit to our manufacturing site in Krupka, Czech Republic.

Meeting our talented Czech colleagues was a blast as they revealed the inner workings of our production process from start to finish. This site produces a staggering 10,000+ products a day during low season and an impressive 17,000+ during peak times.

As part of a print-on-demand company, our approach, compared to traditional fashion, is more eco-friendly due to a lean inventory. Our products remain in a blank state until a customer order is received. Customers can select their preferred technique for design application, whether it be regular print, flock screen printing, or embroidery, which is then carried out in our facility in Poland.

We also dove into different printing techniques and got hands-on experience. The key takeaway? Precision matters in every step, and even with high-tech machines, human expertise remains invaluable. Here’s a jaw-dropping statistic: It takes just 45 seconds on average to print a t-shirt with our top-notch machines, and a skilled worker can produce up to 600 shirts a day!

This experience left me feeling genuinely appreciative of our talented team and the insights gained.

Image Collage of my first two weeks at Spread Group

Charting Responsibilities & Lessons Learned

My responsibilities as a senior at Spread Group include advancing the company’s UX/UI maturity through the advocacy of human-centered approaches, translating complexity into user-centric design concepts using design thinking and UX metrics, conducting UX consulting, roadmap planning, and competitive analysis to drive strategic initiatives, collaborating with researchers to develop comprehensive usability test plans, and managing the publication of our internal UX newsletter to keep stakeholders informed about our latest research, testing, and design projects.

Now, here is what I have learned 👇

  1. First and foremost, I’ve come to appreciate the pivotal role of team dynamics in driving success. From the tentative steps of introductions to the seamless coordination during projects, every interaction has underscored the significance of collaboration, open-mindedness, and active listening. In a world where innovation often springs from collective effort, harnessing the diverse perspectives within a team fosters creativity and fosters a sense of unity toward common goals.
  2. Clear communication has emerged as another crucial cornerstone. As Spread Group continues to evolve and expand its horizons, the need for transparent and regular updates has become increasingly evident. Whether conveying project milestones or addressing challenges, effective communication serves as the linchpin that fortifies relationships, aligns expectations, and fosters a culture of trust and accountability.
  3. Yet, amidst the optimism that propels us forward, I’ve learned to temper it with a dose of realism. While ambition fuels our aspirations, embracing a pragmatic approach to planning ensures resilience in the face of uncertainty. Acknowledging the need for buffers and contingencies not only safeguards against potential setbacks but also instills confidence in our ability to navigate challenges with grace and adaptability.
  4. Feedback, both giving and receiving, has emerged as a powerful catalyst for growth. Hence, constructive criticism serves not as a deterrent but as a catalyst for improvement. Embracing feedback as a collaborative tool fosters a culture of learning, where each iteration brings us closer to realizing our full potential and elevating the quality of our work.
  5. Moreover, I’ve discovered the art of narrating my design solutions — a practice that transcends the mere presentation of final products. By contextualizing designs within the broader narrative of inspiration, challenges, and creative decisions, I’ve found that storytelling fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation among stakeholders. In weaving together the threads of passion and purpose, we transform mere artifacts into compelling stories that resonate with audiences on a profound level.

Your turn! I invite you to share your own insights and reflections as well. What lessons have you learned from your journey within a new company?

As I wrap up this article, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you for joining me on this journey. It’s been an enriching time at Spread Group, filled with growth, learning, and unforgettable experiences. As I continue to chart my course within this vibrant company, I carry with me the lessons learned and the wisdom gained from each moment shared. Here’s to the next chapter, filled with endless possibilities and continued growth. Until we meet again, farewell! 👋🏻

— Carina